In the unlikely event your customer is not happy with their purchase, they may return it for a refund within 14 days of receiving the original order to either ourselves using the downloadable returns form on our website at their own cost or directly to yourself allowing you to decide whether to resell it or return it back to us at your own cost.
We suggest you or your customer obtain a receipt from the post office as the item remains yours or their property until it is received back at our warehouse. All items must be unworn, in a resaleable condition with all tags still attached and in the original packing. We inspect all returns and if we believe any of the above has not been adhered to, we can return the item to you (if returned by you) or your customer at you or your customers own cost. Please note that should you or your customer refuse to pay for an item to be returned we reserve the right to dispose of it within 28 days. Disposal will not constitute any admission on our part that we have failed in any way to honour our obligations to you in full and will not constitute any unlawful action against the goods. Our decision regarding the condition of the returned goods is final.
If the returned goods are found to be faulty, defective or not the ordered product we will refund the total cost of the item plus the original postage. If you decide to have the item returned directly to us from your customer or via yourself then back to us you or your customer will need to pay the cost of the postage, should the items be found to be faulty, defective or not the ordered product we will refund the cost of the postage. In the case your customer has returned it directly to us and the item is found to be faulty, defective or not the ordered product we will notify you by email, you will then need to refund your customer the postage and supply proof of the refund, we will then refund the postage directly to you. When your customer returns the item via yourself we will only refund one part of the return postage you will have to pay the second part yourself. To avoid situations when a customer claims the item is faulty, defective or not the ordered product we suggest you first ask for photographic proof to assist you in deciding your next step.
Unfortunately we do not offer exchanges. Your customer will need to return the unwanted item to us or yourself for processing first and then you should place a new order. Please note that we will not refund the cost of the original postage or the returned postage in this case.
IMPORTANT: The returns form is written in Microsoft Word, you can add your own logo and change the design to suit. Please remember that when sending a returns form to your customer you MUST fill in the reference number with your order number from us.
When your customer returns any item/s, please fill in the Return Item Form and put it inside the package.
You can download the Return Item Form below, thank you.